Research on other environmental documentaries


I researched into environmental documentary's as It would serve to give me an insight as to what styles best suit my chosen topic. I will reflect on this and incorporate techniques used as well a the codes and conventions. Here is what I looked into...   

Notably I found that the documentry had a fine balance between feeding a viewer information but yet allowed through provocation in the respect that they switched between high intense footage to still more natural environmental scenery.   

An Inconvenient Truth

This documentary from 2006, focuses on the message of global warming and that people must accept the facts and change there way of life in order to preserve our planet. What strikes me about this documentary is the quick, flashing pace of imagery shown to highlight the sense of urgency of the matter in hand. I found that the non- diegetic sound at  times was ominous and eerie much like a horror movies and I thought this was clever as it provided connotations that what it to become of our planet will be scary and that what is going on in frightening. I had also noted that the message were striking. All in all this piece proved to be strong and engaging.  click here  to see the trailer.


This compelling documentry, was  released in 2021 and explores the environmental implications of fishing as well as corruption behind the scheme of mass fishing industry's. What I most enjoyed about this documentry was the sense of exposure and uncovered secrecy of what is actually going on. Notably the documentry had a fine balance between moments of high tension and reflection which I felt was integral to keep engagement. To learn more click here to watch the trailer.

These two documentry were my favour and have helped me gain information on how to possibly present my documentry. They have also served as a reminder that documentary's like this have to be engaging, informative and filmed with a sense of urgency while contrasting with the beauty of the earth.   

Here are more environmental documentry pieces that influenced me: 


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