How to conduct an interview

It is important that when conducting an interview that you have the necessary teqniques to ensure that you get the best response from the interviewee whilst ensuring their comfort and emotional security.
So I have researched and put together a small guide to ensure that your interview goes as smoothly as possible when questioning your interviewee. I will use this guide when I am filming interviews in the future.

1) prepare your questions beforehand and put them in order highlighting the most important to least important, as you may not have enough time to as all the question you wanted to ask. 

I have highlighted the questions in red that are the most important and the ones in green as less important.

Can you tell me a bit about yourself and what you do for a living? 

What's opportunity's dose this provide for an employee?

How have your ambitions changed over the last 10 years?

Did you always want to be involved in this line of wok?

If you were to enter another career path what would you strive to be?

Do you enjoy what your doing at the moment?

2) When addressing the subject maintain eye contact as it reassures the interviewee in the way they forget about the camera and it feels like they are engaging with you having a convocation. 

3) Remain Calm, Clear and Concise

4) As a Director or Interviewer DONT bring your own personal opinion into the convocation as it may influence what the interviewee may say and how they act.

5) Try and phrase the questions as neutrally as possible.

5) If your interviewee is struggling emotionally when answering to a question respond with a positive one afterwards to lift the mood, or if need be stop the interview and take a break, giving the subject time to calm down. 


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