Testing microphones


Over the course of the last two weeks I had been experimenting with different types of microphones. I had learned more about their functions, limits and capability's. 

I had used a hand held mic, an external camera mic and a hand held recording device that could record voice on its own using the inbuilt mic or have another voice recording input device connected.  

On this blog I will be showing the audio equipment I used and what any notable functions were. 

Handheld recording device

Handheld recording device connected to the external camera mic 

External camera mic with cover

I found that the cover helped limit any static noise creating a cleaner audio clip. 

Here is one side of the voice recorder. The functions were volume buttons to turn up the volume of the audio play back. There was also a off slide button to ensure that when recording the user dosent accidentally press the wrong button and stop the recording when recording. There was also a USB port and and a port to plug in headphones and the external recording input mic. 

On this side there was a scroll wheel to allow a user to switch between individual audio recordings. There is a menus button, a card slot behind a cover and a button to allow a user to control the amount of sound detected or transmitted into the device. 


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