First Interview Constructive Criticism


In this blog I will be writing about audience feedback on my first attempt at an interview as well as my own written response on what  could do better to ensure that my next one looks better and more professional. 

For the Audience feedback I used a questionnaire sheet asking questions to give me clear points of feedback.

Audience feedback:

My feedback:

From assessing my first attempt at an interview there is a lot that needs improving and that these are the key areas I need to sort out and improve.  

. Green screening needs improving in editing as the edge are too soft outlining the subject. There also needs to be a more suited Mise-en-scene.

.Punctuation in the title needs to be looked at.

. Resolution

. Audio quality problem needs to be solved as there is a lot of static noise.

.Transitions need a slight fade.

.Use other footage on different camera angles.

.Use non-diegetic sound for particular moments.

.Use photographs of the twins to overlay over the diegetic sound.


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