Title, font and colour

The video above is my production company introduction. I deciphered what colour, font and background I should have by structuring a list of questions that I sent of to viewers that I knew were fond of the horror genre. Most replied and I structured a chart to see the results. From there I took the most popular choice from each question and started structuring everything together. Here were the results of my questionnaire: 

1) A: 80%  B: 15%  C: 5%               2) A: 10%  B: 30%  C: 60%             3)A: 20%  B: 5%  C: 75%

Q1) What should my production company be called: A: Spark works, B: Wave works, or C: Plant productions?

Q2) Which text style would you use?




Q3) What colour would you like the text to be: A: red, B: green, or C: white?

After receiving answers from the people who I had sent the questionnaire I had established that the most popular colour was C: white, the preferred font was C and the most popular production company name was A: Spark works. 

I had decided to ask other people about my production company introduction as the most popular results would be far more likely to appeal to my selected group of viewers (age 15 to 22). I fond that the name Spark works is mostly associated with fire and flickering flames so I decided to find that sort of animation to go behind my production company name when introducing it to the viewers.  

To ensure that I wasn't pirating any copyrighted material I searched for copyright free animated backgrounds for free. The image below is the web page I downloaded the background from and it is proof that I haven't Infringed on any laws. The only thing I need to do is credit the Videvo team which I will do in the comments when uploading my final film introduction onto YouTube. 



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