Sound types

I recently decided to look more closely into sound terminology and what they meant. I found this particularly interesting as there is so much you can do with sound to create the effect you want in a given scene. I furthermore looked into this as I knew it would be useful to know when considering sound in my final production and what techniques I could use to convey the emotion, mood and atmosphere of a scene. 

 Diegetic: sound from an action 

Nondiegetic: added music or voice over 

Diegetic muffle: diegetic sound is muffled and distorted 

Diegetic clear: clear diegetic sound

sound bridge: an audible link between both links

synchronous sound: the action and diegetic sound match.

Asynchronous sound: the diegetic sound isn't in sync with the action.

Voice over: a person's voice overlapped over a scene. It's a direct way to interact with the audience and tell the story from another perspective.

Sonic flashback: audio from earlier is played over a current scene.

parallel sound/music: music that matches the mood of the scene.

Contrapuntal sound/ music: music or sound that strongly contrasts a scene's mood.

Dialogue: The most important thing as it tells the story.

Exposition: is a dialogue that explains things.

Ambient background: general surroundings that help establish the diegetic world.

Room tone/ Buzz Track: empty room.

Wall: background crowd sound.

Motif: a particular sound that matches a setting or particular person


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