Shot transitions


Transitions from one shot to another serves as a key tool to moving the story along and are used to show the mood of a scene or establish time sequences. My research has led me to discover many different shots and  has got me thinking about when these different shot transitions would be used if incorporated into a production.

cut transitions:

jumps between one shot to the next

cutting in action:

cutting to the next scene while the subject is still in doing an action 


cutting from a subject to another shot then back to your original shot


when two sequences are going on at the same time.


used for emergency jumps from one activity to another. 

match cuts:

characters image is matched but mise-en-scene changes 

fade in/ fade out:

from a black screen into a scene 


fade from one scene to another

smash cut:

quiet to an intense scene or vise-versa 

Iris transition:

the iris closes to transition into a black screen.

wipe transition:

when a scene wipes into another.

invisible cuts:

cuts that are hidden to look like one shot.

L cut:

audio carries from the previous shot to the next.

J cut:

hear what is going on before the scene appears.

match cuts:

a switch between two scenes that share similarities of the same action or an object. used to show evolution or passage of time.

audio match cuts:

where a scene audio matches into the next scenes audio.


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